Organize arguments, key documents, case law, photographs, video, and charts into a
stand-alone CD settlement brochure that can be easily navigated by the viewer.

Sometimes, advocacy is just providing the facts with an easy-to-understand, thematic, engaging, non-confrontational presentation. We can organize evidence and arguments into a CD presentation that will serve as a persuasive settlement brochure. Digital settlement brochures can be presented during settlement negotiations, mediations, or provided to other parties for later viewing. This tool is an efficient, effective, and impressive way to present settlement arguments and documents.


Once the case is themed, we can organize the evidence, demonstrations, and law into a web-like presentation that is saved onto standard CDs. This organization will enhance the persuasive impact of the presentation. Each theme is supported by facts, demonstrative evidence, and the law. Viewers navigate between themes and supporting evidence by clicking on links, just as if they were on a website.


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